Publications (2023)

Complex Materials with Stochastic Structural Patterns: Spiky Colloids with Enhanced Charge Storage Capacity

Adv. Sci. 2305085 (2023)

Self-Organization of Iron Sulfide Nanoparticles into Complex Multicompartment Supraparticles

Adv. Mater. 35, 2211244 (2023)

Chiral Spectroscopy of Nanostructures

Acc. Chem. Res. 56, 12, 1359-1372 (2023)

Enantiomeric discrimination by chiral electromagnetic resonance enhancement

Chirality 1-7 (2023)

Helical polymers for dissymmetric circularly polarized light imaging

Nature 617, 92-99 (2023)

Composites with high omnidirectional fracture toughness due to helical interlocking fasteners are found in gingko seed shells

National Science Review, 10, 5, nwad065 (2023)

Molecular Architecture and Helicity of Bacterial Amyloid Nanofibers: Implications for the Design of Nanoscale Antibiotics

ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 6, 8, 6594-6604 (2023)

Chirality Analysis of Complex Microparticles using Deep Learning on Realistic Sets of Microscopy Images

ACS Nano 17, 8, 7431-7442 (2023)

Photonically active bowtie nanoassemblies with chirality continuum

Nature 615, 418-424 (2023)

Materials for chiral light control

Nature Reviews Materials 8, 365-371 (2023)


Best Practices for Using AI When Writing Scientific Manuscipts

ACS Nano (2023)


Reciprocal regulatory balance within the CLEC16A-RNF41 mitophagy complex depends on an intrinsically disordered protein region

J. Bio. Chem., 103057 (2023)

Microscopic images

Voltage Modulated Untwist Deformations and Multispectral Optical Effects from Ion Intercalation into Chiral Ceramic Nanoparticles

Advanced Materials, 2206956 (2023)

Microscopic images

Photocatalytic cyclohexane oxidation and epoxidation using hedgehog particles

Nature Communications 14, 857 (2023)

Images of organic materials

Bioinspired chiral inorganic nanomaterials

Nature Reviews Bioengineering 1, 88–106 (2023)