
2024                Ray of Hope, Biomimicry Institute

2024                Centenary Prize and Medal, Royal Society of Chemistry

2024                Chirality Medal (Daicel and Society Chimica Italiano)

2024                Fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS)

2023                PPG Lecture, Northwestern University

2023                Frontiers Lecture, Wayne State University

2023                XTech, Army Prize for Transformative Solutions in Autonomy (DoD)

2023-2024       Global Chair, University of Bath, United Kingdom

2023                Outstanding Faculty Award (UM, ChemE)

2023                Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Vigo

2023                Cheney Fellowship, University of Leeds, United  Kingdom

2023                Melville Lecture, Cambridge University, United  Kingdom

2022                American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS)

2022                XTech International, Army Prize for Transformative Solutions in Energy (DoD)

2022                Outstanding Achievement Award in Nanoscience (ACS, USA)

2022                Mercator Fellow (Technical University of Dresden, Germany)

2021                Turnbull Lectureship (Materials Research Society, MRS)

2021                Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum Award, (AICHE)

2020                National Academy of Inventors, USA

2020                Alpha Chi Sigma Award (American Institute of Chemical Engineers)

2020                Newton Award (Department of Defense)

2020                Irving Langmuir Distinguished Professor of Chemical Sciences and Engineering

2019                IMX Lecturer (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)

2018                Vannevar Bush Fellowship (US Department of Defense)

2018                Soft Matter and Biophysical Chemistry Award (Royal Society of Chemistry)

2017                Alexander von Humboldt Research Award (Humboldt Foundation)

2017                Van ‘t Hoff Lecturer (Universities of Utrecht, Amsterdam, and Leiden)

2017                Colloid Chemistry Award (American Chemical Society, ACS)

2016                Stephanie L. Kwolek Award (Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC)

2016                August T. Larsson Fellow (Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet)

2016                Senior Fulbright Fellow (Fulbright Foundation and Commission)

2016                UNESCO Medal for Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies

2016                Rexford E. Hall Innovation Excellence Award (University of Michigan)

2014                Materials Research Society Medal (with Prof. S. Glotzer)

2014                Fellow of the Materials Research Society (MRS)

2014                MRL Lecturer (California Institute of Technology)

2014 IIN Frontiers in Nanotechnology Lecturer (Northwestern University)

2013                Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

2013                Langmuir Lectureship Award (American Chemical Society, ACS)

2012                Stine Award for Materials Research (AICHE)

2012                Kennedy Family Research Team Award (UM)

2011                Top 100 Materials Scientists in 2000-2010 (Thomson Reuter)

2011                Top 100 Chemists in 2000-2010 (Thomson Reuter)

2009                Top 100 R&D Award (Small Business, R&D Magazine)

2008                Gutenberg Award (Government of Alsace)

2008                Entrepreneurship Quest Award (State of Michigan)2008                College Inventor Award (USPTO, Kauffman Foundation of Entrepreneurship) 

2008                Top 10 Discoveries of the Year (Wired Magazine)

2007                Chair of Gordon Research Conference “Supramolecular Chemistry” (GRC)

2006                Walton Award (Government of Ireland)

2006                Welliver Fellow (The Boeing Co.)

2006 Gran Prix, Materials Research Society Entrepreneurship Challenge (MRS)

2003                Chair of Gordon Research Conference “Thin Organic Films” (GRC)

1998                NSF CAREER Award (National Science Foundation, NSF)

1996                Humboldt Fellowship (Humboldt Foundation, Germany)