1. Mamedov AA, Kotov NA, Prato M, et al. Molecular design of strong single-wall carbon nanotube/polyelectrolyte multilayer composites NATURE MATERIALS 1 (3): 190-194 NOV 2002
2. Crisp MT, Kotov NA Preparation of nanoparticle coatings on surfaces of complex geometry NANO LETTERS 3 (2): 173-177 FEB 2003
3. Tang ZY, Wang Y, Kotov NA Semiconductor nanoparticles on solid substrates: Film structure, intermolecular interactions, and polyelectrolyte effects LANGMUIR 18 (18): 7035-7040 SEP 3 2002
4. Wang SP, Mamedova N, Kotov NA, et al. Antigen/antibody immunocomplex from CdTe nanoparticle bioconjugates NANO LETTERS 2 (8): 817-822 AUG 2002
5. Guldi DM, Luo CP, Koktysh D, et al. Photoactive nanowires in fullerene-ferrocene dyad polyelectrolyte multilayers NANO LETTERS 2 (7): 775-780 JUL 2002
6. Tang ZY, Kotov NA, Giersig M Spontaneous organization of single CdTe nanoparticles into luminescent nanowires SCIENCE 297 (5579): 237-240 JUL 12 2002
7. Malikova N, Pastoriza-Santos I, Schierhorn M, et al. Layer-by-layer assembled mixed spherical and planar gold nanoparticles: Control of interparticle interactions LANGMUIR 18 (9): 3694-3697 APR 30 2002
8. Koktysh DS, Liang XR, Yun BG, et al. Biomaterials by design: Layer-by-layer assembled ion-selective and biocompatible films of TiO2 nanoshells for neurochemical monitoring ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 12 (4): 255-265 APR 2002
9. Rogach AL, Kotov NA, Koktysh DS, et al. II-VI semiconductor nanocrystals in thin films and colloidal crystals COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS 202 (2-3): 135-144 APR 9 2002
10. Ni T, Nagesha DK, Robles J, et al. CdS nanoparticles modified to chalcogen sites: New supramolecular complexes, butterfly bridging, and related optical effects JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 124 (15): 3980-3992 APR 17 2002
11. Westenhoff S, Kotov NA Quantum dot on a rope JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 124 (11): 2448-2449 MAR 20 2002